Blepharoplasty (Eyelid lift / Reduction)

  • Cosmetic eyelid surgery removes the excess fat and wrinkled, drooping skin of the upper eyelids that can result in a tired or sad-looking face.

    A lower lid blepharoplasty tightens the lower eyelid skin and can also eliminate bags under the eyes.

    Cosmetic eyelid surgery can correct problems resulting from aging, as well as inherited traits that can affect some patients as early as their 20s or 30s.

    This procedure is often done in our office under local anesthetic.

  • Have you been told you look tired or upset, even when you’re well rested (and happy!)? You may want to consider having an upper eyelid lift.

    Upper eyelid surgery is sometimes considered medically necessary and may be covered by your insurance if certain criteria are met. A visual field study test will help determine whether you meet that criteria.

    Upper eyelid surgery is perfect for anyone with excessive skin or wrinkles around the eyelids leading to a puffy appearance.

    A lower “bleph” can help correct dark circles or large bags and puffiness below the eyes.

  • Your surgeon will want to discuss your medical history including previous surgeries, past and present medical conditions and current medications.

    It is important for you to provide complete information. High blood pressure, thyroid problems or diabetes are among the medical conditions that may increase the risks associated with eyelid surgery.

    Your plastic surgeon will want to know if you have allergies, especially if they affect your eyes. He may ask whether you have ever tried and were unable to wear contact lenses.

    We will need to know if you have ever been told by an ophthalmologist that you have a condition called “dry eye” or if you have any other problems with your eyes.

    One of several surgical techniques may be suggested to improve the appearance of your eyelids. The particular technique that your surgeon recommends will depend on many factors such as the amount of excess fat and skin in the eyelid areas, the position of your eyebrows, and the condition of the muscles around your eyelids.

  • Your eyelid surgery may be performed in our in-office surgical suite, or at one of many outpatient or ambulatory centers in Lincoln.

    Frequently, local anesthesia is used for patients undergoing eyelid surgery, although general anesthesia may be desirable in some instances.

    If performed in our surgical suite, local anesthetic will be used and you will be able to go home immediately after your surgery. The procedures generally takes 60-90 minutes and there is surprisingly little discomfort with this type of surgery.

    An incision is made within the natural crease of the eyelid and through this incision, excess skin and fat are removed and muscles may be adjusted to help support the eyelids when drooping is caused by ptosis.

    When surgery is completed, you will be taken into a recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored. Your vision will be blurry as a result of ointment used to soothe and protect the eye during surgery and swelling is normal after your eyelid procedure. There is surprisingly little discomfort, however, from the surgery.

    You probably will be permitted to go home after a few hours, although some patients may stay overnight in the hospital or surgical facility.

  • Your incisions will be closed utilizing absorbable sutures. You may have some bruising and swelling around the eyes and pain is typically minimal and can easily be managed with ice packs and pain medication.

    You may have a foreign body sensation in the eye particularly after lower eyelid surgery. If it is severe or getting worse or you have any sudden vision changes please call the office.

    They will be trimmed or removed in the office 5-10 days after surgery. You should wash your face, but do not “scrub” the incisions.

    Do not use peroxide because this could irritate the eye and dry out the incisions.

    You should avoid rigorous activities, bending and heavy lifting for 1-2 weeks following your procedure.

    PLEASE NOTE: it may take a few weeks before all the swelling has subsided. If you have a considerable increase in swelling, or if one side swells significantly more than the other, please call the office.

    If you have any redness that spreads away from the incision/surgical area, if the area feels “hot” to the touch, if you run a fever of 101.5 degrees or higher, (it is normal to run a low-grade fever after surgery), or if you hanve any green, black, yellow or ordorous discharge from the incision area, please call the office.

  • The results of aesthetic eyelid surgery are long lasting, but they may be affected by your heredity and lifestyle factors.

    Removal of fat from your eyelids, which is usually the cause of puffiness and bags, is permanent, and these conditions generally will not recur. The skin continues to age, however, and skin laxity along the fine wrinkling of the eyelid area may, at some point, return. Sometimes loss of tone in the forehead causes additional sagging of the eyebrows that mimics a recurrence of drooping upper eyelids. If this happens, correction may require a forehead lift or a secondary eyelid procedure.

    Even though the aging process continues, patients are usually happy with their appearance for many years following eyelid surgery. Some patients find that they want to make additional improvements at a later time.


    Your incisions will be closed utilizing absorbable sutures. You may have some bruising and swelling around the eyes and pain is typically minimal and can easily be managed with ice packs and pain medication.

    You may have a foreign body sensation in the eye particularly after lower eyelid surgery. If it is severe or getting worse or you have any sudden vision changes please call the office.

    They will be trimmed or removed in the office 5-10 days after surgery. You should wash your face, but do not “scrub” the incisions.

    Do not use peroxide because this could irritate the eye and dry out the incisions.

    You should avoid rigorous activities, bending and heavy lifting for 1-2 weeks following your procedure.

    PLEASE NOTE: it may take a few weeks before all the swelling has subsided. If you have a considerable increase in swelling, or if one side swells significantly more than the other, please call the office.

    If you have any redness that spreads away from the incision/surgical area, if the area feels “hot” to the touch, if you run a fever of 101.5 degrees or higher, (it is normal to run a low-grade fever after surgery), or if you hanve any green, black, yellow or ordorous discharge from the incision area, please call the office.

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