A browlift repositions the eyebrows to a more youthful position and corrects a somewhat tired or sad look.
This procedure can also soften the horizontal forehead wrinkles associated with the lifting of your eyebrows. This procedure is often combined with blepharoplasty to rejuvenate the upper face.
If you’ve been told you look tired or have noticed that your brows sit lower than they used to and are accompanied by an increase in forehead wrinkling, a Browlift may be right for you.
While still being less extreme than a facelift, a dramatic change is possible.
You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. This will include information about any medical conditions you may have, medical treatments you have received, previous surgeries including aesthetic eyelid or facial surgery, and medications that you currently take. It is important for you to provide complete information.
There are a variety of ways to elevate the brows and correct aging changes in the forehead area. Your surgeon will closely examine your entire forehead and upper eyelid region, noting the muscle activity when you assume various facial expressions.
The particular surgical technique that your surgeon recommends will depend on many factors such as the position of your eyebrows, the amount of excess upper eyelid skin and the height of your hairline.
Your browlift will be performed in our fully certified on-site surgical suite.
Medications are administered for your comfort during the procedure. Frequently, local anesthesia and intravenous sedation are used for patients undergoing a browlift, although general anesthesia may be desirable in some instances.
When surgery is completed, you will be permitted to go home immediately afterwards unless you have chosen to have your procedure at a surgical or ambulatory center, in which case you will be led to a recovery area where you will continue to be closely monitored.
Recovery from brow lift is generally 1-2 weeks. Swelling and bruising typically start to subside at about 48 hours following surgery with little discomfort.
It is recommended that you take about a week off of work following your procedure.
Full recovery generally takes 10-14 days.
You may feel that your brows and hairline look higher than expected immediately following your procedure, but rest assured , they will gradually settle into a natural position throughout the next 4-6 months.
This depends on many variables including your heredity and lifestyle factors.
Even though the aging process continues, patients are usually happy with their appearance for many years following a forehead lift.
Some patients find that they want additional improvements at a later time.
•It is normal to experience swelling, bruising, discomfort, numbness, tightness, itchiness and headaches following browlift surgery. These will lessen each day as your healing progresses.
•You may use cold compresses to relieve swelling and discomfort.
•For the first 72 hours, sleep with your head in an elevated position either in a recliner with your head elevated or sleeping on 2-3 pillows. No lifting or bending over.
•Your dressings may consist of a compression bandage that is loosely applied to the head and face to reduce swelling and bruising.
•Please ask your physician before you begin taking aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medications, as these can create greater risk for bleeding.
•After 48 hours, you may begin to shower. Wash incisions gently and thoroughly. Apply Bacitracin ointment to staples after showering.
•Normal activity can be gradually resumed after 2 weeks. You may resume exercise after 4 weeks.
•You may blow-dry your hair gently. Avoid hair coloring, permanents, and scalp massage for 4 weeks after surgery.
•Avoid sun exposure to new incision areas. These areas are very sensitive to sunlight and can be easily burned for up to a year following surgery. We recommend sunscreen to all healed incisions.
•Swelling and bruising will almost always be more than you expected. Bruising generally subsides in 7 days. Most of the swelling subsides in 2 weeks. It will continue to improve for 2-3 months.
•The scars have a tendency to redden and become more noticeable a few weeks after the surgery. However, the redness will fade with time.
•Numbness of the scalp is common after browlift surgery. Often this begins to return in 6 weeks but may take 6 to 9 months to improve.
Take your pain medication, as instructed, until your pain lessens.
Always take your medication with food in your stomach.
Do not drive or operate equipment while on your pain medication.
Someone needs to stay with you the first night home after surgery.
No hot or warm compresses. The skin doesn’t have normal sensation and you can burn yourself without knowing it.
The day following your surgery, you may remove all dressings and shower, being careful not to remove the drainage tubes.
Place clean dressing over incision and put binder on. Binder should be tight, but not so tight as to limit breathing.
Leave any Steri-strips placed over your incision on or until removed by your physician or instructed by your physician to remove.
A temperature greater than 101 degrees F.
Redness, swelling around the incision site.
Severe pain not responding to pain medications.
Persistent, profuse bleeding or drainage.
If any other question or problem arise.
There is always a doctor on call after hours to answer any urgent questions or concerns you may have.